WOW (again)! 2 posts in one day is absolutely a new record. But, I can't help myself today. I picked up the Betty Crocker Christmas Cookbook yesterday; as I was waiting for the bus home, I saw the news vans go past on their way to the tree lighting ceremony downtown; I came home to a table full of Christmas party invites (above), which I proceeded to work on; Nick started work on some apple butter; and all the while we listened to Christmas music - the first time this season. I think I may be in heaven!
I love the holidays, but what would make this day (or season) even better, of course, is having my dear sweet Grams with us still. Ruth went peacefully, though somewhat unexpectedly, on Thursday, November 5, 2010. She was dearly loved by me and by anyone who knew her. So, this holiday season, when we are missing her, I have taken it upon myself to do what Grams knew how to do best - celebrate! I am going to do all I can to make this the best season I and my loved ones can have, in honor of her.
I love the holidays, but what would make this day (or season) even better, of course, is having my dear sweet Grams with us still. Ruth went peacefully, though somewhat unexpectedly, on Thursday, November 5, 2010. She was dearly loved by me and by anyone who knew her. So, this holiday season, when we are missing her, I have taken it upon myself to do what Grams knew how to do best - celebrate! I am going to do all I can to make this the best season I and my loved ones can have, in honor of her.
My Grams was good at having parties, making the holidays very festive and wonderful, cooking and baking, especially Christmas cookies, and spreading love and joy. I think I can do a lot of that this year with the help of this amazing book! It is chock full of appetizer, main dish, breakfast dish, bread and dessert recipes that all look and sound great. I can't wait to make some of them and share them, like my Grams would've done!
My Grams was all about a good cocktail (especially Brandy Manhattans), and her and my Grandpa had a cocktail hour ritual every day, which she continued occasionally after his death, and now Nick and I continue this tradition occasionally as well. Since it is winter, and hot drinks are a must, it is time for hot buttered rum; maybe not for cocktail hour, but at night when I need a cozy drink. Nick made me this mix (brown sugar, a lot of butter and some spices - he can't remember the recipe or where he found it), which I think my Grams would've liked, and I happily drink it out my favorite mug.
Sorry, but you get a picture of the aftermath (I made it this weekend for my in-laws), because it is just that good. It is a simple recipe of a pack of softened cream cheese, a small container of sour cream, a little bit of milk, 1 package of chipped beef chopped up, some dried onion and some garlic mixed together and spread into a baking dish which is then covered in chopped walnuts and baked until warm all the way through (about 20 minutes on 350 degrees). A classic 1950s dish! She made this recipe so many times she became known for it, and she passed it down to me. I bring this recipe out every holiday season and whenever I need a good appetizer dish. It seems to be a crowd pleaser and a comfort food, and so it continues to be a tradition.
And, Nick looks to be starting a new tradition for us this year - canning. Our house has seen so much produce lately, it would surprise anyone who doesn't know the joys of canning. I didn't realize, but you can easily do some amazing things with a little know how, some jars and some good produce. I love that I married a man that I can not only share my love of food, baking and cooking with, but that surprises me with his. Grams would be proud!
Look at this pot of bubbling apples! You can tell what is in season right now in this house. We have had fresh applesauce for weeks now, apple brandy started fermenting last week, and apple butter is being made as we speak (hence, the boiling apples).
This isn't my usual kind of post, but I wanted to share a little bit about myself with you all. Happy holidays to you, and to my beloved Grams as well. I hope this season, and every one to come is a wonderful holiday season. You'll be hearing from me again soon...or maybe even getting some of my holiday cheer!