Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Spritz Cookies

There are not many cookies I would choose over spritz cookies. So, since I was making Christmas cookies this year, I had to make a batch. I pulled out my Betty Crocker Christmas Cookbook (the recipe can be found here) and my cookie press and went to work.

I decided to get colorful with my cookies and make yellow stars, green trees and red hearts. To do this, divide the dough into batches and work in the food coloring of your choice. Add coloring a few drops at a time and keep adding and working in until it reaches the color you want. Be warned, though, you will have very colorful hands when you are done!

Once you have the color worked in to each batch, place one into the cookie press with your cut-out of choice attached and press onto cookies sheet. I usually press for about 5 seconds before lifting and going to the next cookie. Once you reach the end of your dough, you will have leftovers that will not make it through the press. This is why you can see a couple of red circle cookies below. I also pressed some red hots into the red cookies and sprinkled some candy dots onto the trees to make them look a bit more festive.

This is such a simple recipe, but it can take a bit of time. It is all worth it though - look at how lovely those look, and they taste great too! These will be a go-to recipe for me, even if it's not Christmas time!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Making Christmas cookies is usually something I leave to someone else, especially my Grams, as she made them so well. Without her this year, I decided I must finally attempt the tradition, though I couldn't bring myself to attempt hers just yet. I don't have many of her original recipes, and I fear I might ruin the memory of hers trying to find substitutes. So, this year, I turned once again to The Pioneer Woman (Ree) for inspiration, and I got some much appreciated help from my friend Claire. Not only does Claire make a great helper (she helped with my dad's 60th birthday cupcakes), but having two people allows for some good action shots (as you will see below)!

First, we decided to take the Festive Fruitcake Cookies recipe and adapt it. The adaption gave us a bit more of an Irish recipe, which was needed for Nick and I's annual Christmas party (Irish themed this year). Ree's recipe calls for brandy, and we used Powers Irish Whiskey instead. Also, Ree's recipe calls for candied fruits and nuts, and we decided to do without the nuts and go with a mix of candied and dried fruits instead, to be more like a traditional Irish Christmas cookie recipe I had seen.

Look at the beautiful colors: red and green candied cherries, dried apricots, dates and pineapple, all cut into tiny pieces.

After the fruit was chopped and ready, we mixed the ingredients. Then we added the eggs to the already creamed sugar and butter.

Next, we mixed the milk and baking soda mixture, the flour, the whiskey and vanilla. Isn't all that whiskey wonderful looking?!

Finally, we mixed in the fruit. At that point, Ree's recipe says the batter should be rather wet. Ours really wasn't, so we added a bit more whiskey. We opted for whiskey over water or milk, because how can you ever go wrong with more whiskey? By eating too much of the batter, that's how! You might be tempted to do this, but it was not not the best idea I ever had - strong stuff!

These cookies turned out very cake-like. The dried fruit softened nicely. And, though the whiskey taste might be a bit potent for some, the flavors blended very well. Ree's recipe suggests making a glaze to top these cookies with, but we didn't think they needed it.

The second batch of cookies we decided to make was Christmas Cherries. These are a citrusy sugar cookie kind of base with candied cherries on top. However, we again modified the recipe, not having or wanting to use so many candied cherries. We instead decided to do half of the cookies topped with candied cherries and the other half with white chocolate chips, since Claire wanted to incorporate some kind of chocolate.

First, we creamed the butter and sugar. Then, added the eggs, vanilla, lemon peel (we only had lemons, so that is what we used), and lemon juice and beat them together.
Next, we added the sifted flour.

Ree's recipe says to then put the dough into a Ziploc and refrigerate for an hour. However, we didn't have an hour, and didn't want to mess with trying to get our dough in and out of a Ziploc, so rolled into a rough ball shape, wrapped it in wax paper and put it in the freezer for a half hour. This seemed to work out.

Look at those green cherries! They are somehow wondrously delightful and a little disgusting at the same time. :)

Finally, we made little balls out of the dough, used our thumb to imprint a spot to put the cherries and white chocolate chips in to and baked them. The lemon butter cookie was delicious, and the candied cherry was a surprisingly good addition.

The white chocolate chips did not stick to the dough, however, so we had a slight panic moment. Claire suggested melting caramels and dropping it onto the top of the chips to make them stick. I vaguely knew how to make homemade caramel (didn't have any store bought ones), so we tried it. I love it when recipes turn into experiments!

We combined milk, sugar, maple syrup and butter, stirring and heating until thickened to the consistency we wanted and then drizzled it over the cookies with a spoon.

The final product of our little experiment was great; the caramel stuck, and the taste combination was better than I thought it would be.

My one complaint about these cookies (candied cherry and white chocolate chip caramel) is that the cookie itself is extremely crumbly. You have to pop the whole thing in your mouth at once, or make a big mess on the floor that you will have to be sure to vacuum up before it gets smashed into the grooves of your rug (Ugh! What a mess!). Unfortunately, I don't know how to fix that one :(

Maybe next year I will tackle some of my Gram's old recipes, but until then, these are awesome!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Nick says it looks like "Martha threw up Christmas in our house." That is Martha Stewart he is talking about, of course. And, I love Martha, so normally having anything I did be compared to Martha would be an honor, but I am not so sure here. Christmas is not really something Nick enjoys. However, he says that my sincere love of it helps redeem it and let him enjoy it some.

And, in case you haven't gotten it yet, I LOVE Christmas. Therefore, I try to make sure our house looks like it, starting with the tree. My dear Grams (yes, her again) and my Grandpa used to have a tradition with a couple of friends of theirs of going up North for a weekend and finding trees to cut down and put in their homes. After a while, it became a contest to see who could find the largest and then fit the largest into their house. I have many a picture of my Grams' house and their large Christmas trees. Mine may not be real (can't have real in our condo), and it may not be that large, but I still cherish it and all that it reminds me of.